The Upsilon resonances provide a clear signal for early analysis with LHC data. As such it is ideal as a testing and calibration tool. Despite its unambiguous signal and comparatively large cross section Upsilon production at hadron colliders is not entirely understood. I will present the first Upsilon cross section measurement from CMS, and look at its place with other hadron collider experimental results and with the latest theoretical predictions. In the future, the LHC environment will place increasing challenges on the detector systems there. One promising technology utilizes pixelated APD's operating in Geiger mode to measure light intensity. Such devices have many advantages and some drawbacks. I will look at the basic application of this family of sensors in hadronic calorimetry and explore more specific applications being developed and deployed by the CMS hadronic calorimeter community.
High Energy Physics Seminar
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
3:30 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special room.

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