 Physics at Virginia

Dima Pesin

Ph. D. , 2009, University of Washington, Seattle
Associate Professor

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Research Interests

A condensed matter theorist whose research focuses on quantum many-particle systems, Dmytro Pesin studies the effects of particle correlations and disorder physics in topological systems, providing guidance for material research by considering realistic aspects of topological phases. In particular, Prof. Pesin studies the effects of band geometry on the electronic hydrodynamics in clean crystals, in particular Dirac/Weyl semimetals. He also works on developing the theory of current-induced phenomena in three-dimensional metals with nontrivial band geometry.

Selected Publications

"Two-particle collisional coordinate shifts and hydrodynamic anomalous Hall e ect in systems
without Lorentz invariance", D. A. Pesin, arXiv:1805.06547, (2018)

"Pancharatnam-Berry phase and kinetic magnetoelectric e ect in a three-dimensional helical
crystal (Te)", C. Sahin, J. Rou, Jing Ma, D. A. Pesin, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 206206, (2018)

"Kinetic orbital moments and nonlocal transport in disordered metals with nontrivial geometry",
J. Rou, C. Sahin, Jing Ma, D. A. Pesin, Phys. Rev. B 96, 035120 (2017)

"Chiral magnetic e ect and natural optical activity in metals with or without Weyl points", Jing
Ma, D. A. Pesin, Phys. Rev. B 92, 235205 (2015)

"Probing the chiral anomaly with nonlocal transport in Weyl semimetals", S. A. Parameswaran,
T. Grover, D. A. Abanin, D. A. Pesin, and A. Vishwanath,Phys. Rev. X 4, 031035 (2014).

"Quantum Kinetic Theory of Current-Induced Torques in Rashba Ferromagnets", D. A. Pesin, A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 86, 014416 (2012).

"Mott physics and band topology in materials with strong spin-orbit interaction", D. A. Pesin,
Leon Balents, Nature Phys. 6, 376 (2010).

Departmental Committees

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee (Member)

Chair's Advisory Committee (Member)

Financial Aid Committee (Member)

Graduate Student Admissions Committee (Chair)