How Things Work

PHYS 106 - Spring 2003


Instructor: Robert Watkins
Teaching Assistant: Peter Gee (

For non-science majors: a practical introduction to physics and science in everyday life. This course considers objects from our daily environment and focuses on their principles of operation, histories, and relationships to one another. The emphasis for Physics 106 is on objects involving electromagnetism, light, special materials, and nuclear energy. The companion course, Physics 105, emphasizes mechanical and thermal objects.

List of available documents for Physics 106:

Course Syllabus:

Problem Sets:

You must be registered for Physics 106 to enter the EClass Site. If you added to the class after about Jan. 20, 2003 you are probably not in the system. Email me (Robert Watkins, and I will add you. Your Name is your UVA MailID/Handle -- typically 5 characters like "bzc3f", and your Password is your UVA ID number -- always 9 numbers. Because the connection to the EClass Site involves a secure protocol, you must agree to "proceed" when asked to accept the site's security certificate.

Term Paper:

Midterm Exam:

Final Exam: