Physics 106 - How Things Work - Spring, 1998

Problem Set 1 - Answers

Problem 1: Chapter 1, Case 1a-e (Pg. 72)

You’re riding on a playground swing. You’re traveling back and forth once every few seconds.

a. At what point(s) in your motion is your velocity zero?

b. At what point(s) in your motion is your gravitational potential energy at its maximum? c. At what point(s) in your motion is your kinetic energy at its maximum? d. As you reach the bottom of a swing, when the swing’s ropes are exactly vertical, are you accelerating? e. At the moment described in d, is the force that the ropes exert on you more, less, or equal to your weight?

Problem 2: Chapter 1, Case 17a-e (Pg. 75)

You’re seated in a crowded bus that has stopped at a bus stop. Two people board the bus, one wearing rubber-soled shoes and one wearing inline skates (roller skates — i.e., no friction). They both have to stand in the middle of the aisle and neither one holds onto anything.

a. The bus driver is new and the bus lurches forward from the bus stop. Which way does the person wearing inline skates move in relationship to the bus?

b. The bus is accelerating forward as it pulls away from the bus stop. Why doesn’t the person wearing inline skates accelerate with the bus? c. The person wearing rubber-soled shoes remains in place as the bus starts moving. What provides the force that causes that person to accelerate with the bus? d. Once the bus has reached a constant velocity (it’s traveling along a straight road at a steady pace), the person wearing inline skates is able to stand comfortably in the aisle without rolling anywhere. What is the net force on the person wearing skates? e. The driver accidentally runs into a curb and the bus stops so abruptly that everything slides forward, including the person wearing rubber-soled shoes. In stopping quickly, the bus experiences an enormous backward acceleration. Why doesn’t the person wearing rubber-soled shoes accelerate backward with the bus? Problem 3: Chapter 1, Case 18a-e (Pg. 75)

You’re about to go on a bicycle trip through the mountains. Being ambitious, you decide to take two children along. The children sit in a trailer that you pull with your bicycle.

a. As you wait to begin your trip, you and your bicycle are motionless. What is the net force on your body?

b. You begin to bicycle into the mountains. You soon find yourself ascending a steep grade. The road rises smoothly uphill and you’re traveling up it at a steady pace in a straight line. You’re traveling at a constant velocity up the hill. What is the net force on your body? c. The road rises 1 m upward for every 10 m you travel along its surface. If the children and their trailer weigh 400 N, how much uphill force must you exert on the trailer to keep it moving uphill at a constant velocity? d. How much work must you do on the trailer and children as you pull them to the top of a 500 m tall hill? Does the amount of work you do on them depend on whether you take the long, gradually sloping road or the short, steep road? (Answer both questions.) e. How much work must you do on the trailer and children as you pull them back down the 500 m tall hill at constant velocity?

Problem 4: Chapter 1, Case 25a-e (Pg. 76)

Advanced skiers turn by sliding the backs of their skis across the snow. Since the fronts of their skis don’t move much, the skis end up pointed in a new direction.

a. The amount of sideways force that a skier must exert on the skis to slide them sideways is proportional to how hard the skis press down on the snow beneath them. Why?

b. To make it easier to slide the skis sideways, the skier “unweights”—reduces the force pressing their skis downward against the snow. The skier does this by jumping upward. How can the downward force that the skier exerts on the snow be less than the skier’s weight? c. When during the jump is it easiest to slide the skis sideways? d. Rather than jumping, some racers simply pull their legs upward suddenly. Why does this action reduce the force pressing their skis against the snow? e. Less skilled skiers sometime turn without unweighting—they push their skis sideways so hard that the skis slide anyway. This technique is exhausting. Why does it require so much work?

Problem 5: Chapter 11, Case 4a-d (Pg. 408)

The spark lighters used in gas stoves and grills are based on small piezoelectric crystals. When you compress a piezoelectric crystal, it produces a charge separation. One side becomes positively charged while the other becomes negatively charged. In a typical spark lighter, a spring-loaded mass strikes the crystal and produces a huge charge separation. Wires attached to the crystal allow these charges to approach one another across an air gap and create a spark.

a. Separating charge takes energy. Show that the spring-loaded mass does work on the crystal while compressing it.

b. Why does the amount of electric charge on each side of the crystal affect the likelihood that a spark will jump from one wire to the other? c. To encourage a spark, the wire ends that make up the air gap are usually thin and pointed. Why do sharp points make it easier for charge to begin moving through the air? d. If the two wires become separated by too great a distance, the spark lighter will stop working. Why does the distance separating the wires matter at all?