 Physics at Virginia

"Simulations and Designs of Atom Chip Apparatus for BEC Interferometry"

Zhe Luo , University of Virginia - Physics
[Host: Cass Sackett]

A Sagnac interferometer using Bose-Einstein condensates for rotation sensing is implemented in a harmonic trapping magnetic potential. The trapped cold atom cloud is manipulated by standing wave laser beams to produce two reciprocal interferometers. They provide common-mode rejection of accelerations, trap fluctuations and other noise sources while the Sagnac phase is differential between two interferometers. An image processing program is being developed to quickly extract positions and sizes of atom packets from their trajectories. Besides, a new atom chip is designed and constructed based on double layer spiral copper wires with different chirality. A supporting chamber for testing the atom chip is also designed and used to adjust trapping frequencies and allow laser beams coming through. The ultimate goal is to realize a compact and portable microchip-based atom gyroscope for rotation sensing and inertial navigation.

Atomic Physics Seminar
Monday, April 29, 2019
11:30 AM
Physics Building, Room 313
Note special time.
Note special room.

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