Physics 342: Classical Electricity and Magnetism

Time and Place: Mon, Wed. Fri, 10:00--10:50, Room 205 Physics.
Instructor: Ralph Minehart
Office:165 Physics
Phone: 924-6785
Grader: Hui Wang
Textbooks: David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1989)
Prerequisites:Physics 151--252, or Physics 231--232, and Math 131, 132, and 221.

This course covers the subjects of classical static electricity and magnetism. By the end of the term we will have introduced the concepts needed to understand the general subject of electrodynamics. We will obtain Maxwell's equations and demonstrate that light provides a solution of the field equations. The course provides a number of practical examples of solutions of partial differential equations.

Your comments, questions, suggestions, and inquiries about this course are welcomed.

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Comments, questions, suggestions, and inquiries:

Ralph C. Minehart
Wed Jan. 31 12:45 EST 1996