 Physics at Virginia

George Gillies

Ph.D., 1980, Virginia
Research Professor, Retired

Experimental Engineering Physics Program

Research Interests

George Gillies has research interests in instrumentation system development, the design of innovative medical devices, thermal metrology, rotating machinery, and gravitational physics. He served as Principal Investigator on the University’s Magnetic Stereotaxis System project from and is the co-founder of Stereotaxis, Inc., which has commercialized the Unviersity of Virginia’s intellectual property covering magnetically guided catheterization procedures. He has served on the editorial boards of the Review of Scientific Instruments, Reports on Progress in Physics, and Gravitation and Cosmology. He is presently working on topics ranging from experimental explorations of time-temperature analogs of the uncertainty principle, to the biophysical basis for new methods of treating heart arrhythmias. He also holds an appointment as Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery at Virginia Commonwealth University, and he serves as a referee for several national and international journals in metrology, instrumentation design and biomedical devices.

Selected Publications

Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Gillies, G. T., “Results on the Gravity of Quantum Fermi Pressure of Localized Matter: A New Test of General Relativity,” Physical Review D, Vol. 73 (2006), pp. 101101-1 - 101101-4.

Gillies, G. T. and Allison, S. W., “Experimental Test of a Time-Temperature Formulation of the Uncertainty Principle via Nanoparticle Fluorescence,” Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 18 (2005), pp. 65-74.

Tu, L.-C., Luo, J., and Gillies, G. T., “The Mass of the Photon,” Reports on Progress in Physics, Vol. 68 (2005), pp. 77-130.

Ritter, R. C. and Gillies, G. T., “Is a Hypothetical Long Range Spin Interaction Observable with a Laboratory Detector?” in de Sabbata, V., Gillies, G. T., and Melnikov, V. N., eds., The Gravitational Constant: Generalized Gravitational Theories and Experiments (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2004), pp. 313-329.

News Items

George Gillies, UVa Physics PhD and recently Visiting Research Professor of Physics, has been inducted into Fellowship in the National Academy of Inventors. From UVAToday: ......More >