 Physics at Virginia

Stu Wolf

Ph.D., 1969, Rutgers
Professor Emeritus

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Research Interests

My primary interest at UVa is in the study of spin dependent phenomenon in thin films and alternating multilayers of magnetic and non-magnetic metals, semiconductors and insulators. These structures exhibit large changes in resistance depending on the relative orientation of the magnetic layers. These structures can be utilized as non-volatile memory, reconfigurable logic as a replacement for conventional CMOS, and read heads for hard drives. I am also interested in the use of the spin degree of freedom as a new state variable for information processing. Single electron spins can be contained in either self organized or electrically confined nano-structures and manipulated by electric fields. Finally, I have a long standing interest in multiferroics and novel metal oxide materials including copper, ruthenium and manganese oxides.

Selected Publications

Spintronics: A Spin-Based Electronics Vision for the Future, S. A. Wolf, D. D. Awschalom, R. A. Buhrman, J. M. Daughton, S. von Molnar, M. L. Roukes, A. Y. Chtchelkanova, D. M. Treger Science, 294, Pages 1488-1495, November 2001 (invited review)

“Ferromagnetism in rutile structure Cr doped VO2 thin films prepared by reactive-bias target ion beam”, K. G. West, J. Lu, L. He, D. Kirkwood, W. Chen, T. P. Adl, M.S. Osofsky, S. B. Qadri, R. Hull, S. A. Wolf, 21, 87-92, (2008)

“Growth and characterization of vanadium dioxide thin films prepared by reactive-biased target ion beam deposition”, K. G. West, J. Lu, J. Yu, D. Kirkwood, W. Chen, Y. Pei, J. Claassen, S. A. Wolf, 26, 133-139, (2008)

News Items

From UVaToday:The University of Virginia, in partnership with the College of William & Mary and Old Dominion University, has launched the Virginia Nanoelectronics Center, or ViNC, to advance ......More >