 Physics at Virginia

Eugene Kolomeisky

Ph.D., 1988, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Associate Professor

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Research Interests

My current research effort consists of trying to understand static and dynamic properties of low-dimensional nonuniform quantum Bose gases. The experimental observation of Bose-Einstein condensation (1995) in trapped alkali vapors has ushered in a new era of superlow-temperature physics bridging the disciplines of atomic and condensed matter physics. Today, experimentalists can produce and manipulate condensates of different sizes and various geometries, and practical applications of this new state of matter are just on the horizon. Some of these applications (ultrasensitive interferometers, for example) require producing essentially one-dimensional condensates, which poses the question of their theoretical description. Up to now, most of the experiments with Bose condensates have been conducted in a three-dimensional regime where the theory of Gross and Pitaevskii adequately describes the physics.

Recently we have demonstrated that this theory fails in one and two spatial dimensions, and proposed a new hydrodynamical theory which correctly captures the physics in question. The applications of this theory are practically endless, and currently we are working on several specific projects.

In the past I have worked in the area of classical and quantum phase transitions and related phenomena in pure and disordered systems, and I maintain these interests. I also have a general interest in nonequilibrium phenomena.

News Items

What do charge oscillations in conductors and expansion of the physical Universe have in common?  More than meets the eye!  This Editor's Suggestion, More >
The wake behind a boat and the ripples caused by rocks in a stream are both due to the relative motion of a fluid and an obstacle,  which gives rise to wave patterns on the surface.   ......More >

Departmental Committees

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee (Chair)

Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Committee (Member)

Graduate Program Committee (Member)

Research Talks (Chair)